Bhangra! Bhangra! Bhangra!

Bhangra is the folk dance from the Punjab region of India. Bhangra was founded decades ago and is based on the jubilance of the farmers after a well harvested season. This folk dance has grown drastically over the last several decades and is now becoming one of the fastest growing dance forms globally! Come check out events we've performed in by clicking here.


If you're looking for Bhangra, we have one of the best teams in North America right in Boston! They are Boston Bhangra. South Asian Nation owns Boston Bhangra, and all the excitement that they bring with them! Thus, please visit Boston Bhangra for more information.

You can learn more about the history of the team, how to join the team (seniors and juniors team), how to learn Bhangra and how to get them at your events! Basically, any question have about Bhangra can be answered by them! Just reach out to them! The website is: Boston Bhangra. If you're ready to get them at your event, click on this HIRE US link now!